

Altoona is a vibrant community that provides residents opportunities to create healthy, balanced and thriving lifestyles.


The Healthy Altoona Partnership will provide leadership to Altoona in advancing the wellness of our community by promoting and facilitating public health partnerships, policies, environmental infrastructure, activities, resources and educational supports so every resident can achieve optimal wellness throughout their lifetime.


  1. Establish overall focus and vision for public health in our community.
  2. Secure funding and other resources through partnerships, grants and other sources.
  3. Conduct asset and needs assessments to identify and prioritize existing and new opportunities for wellness partnerships, wellness promotion, activities and initiatives.
  4. Provide venues for public input.
  5. Encourage integration of public health into overall city development.

Want more information or interested in joining the Partnership? Contact us at healthaltoona@gmail.com or https://www.facebook.com/healthyaltoonapartnership


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