2014 Partnership Goals

Assess our Community

  1. Conduct the Center for Disease & Prevention CHANGE Community Assessment – completed
  2. Complete a walking and bicycling suitability assessment (WABSA) to enhance recreational trails
  3. Assess need for a community garden – completed

Work Site Wellness

  1. Identify 4 work sites and complete a healthy work site assessment
  2. Facilitate a Work Site Wellness Summit


  1. Identify 2 multi-family complexes to adopt smoke-free policy
  2. Present benefits of complete streets policy to city leaders
  3. Adopt a Friends of the Trails Program

Individual Health

  1. Conduct outreach to 1 medical clinic to embed the Better Choices Better Health program referral
  2. Encourage Physical Activity by a) increasing recreational trail way-finding signage and b) increasing access to bike racks on city property and  businesses to encourage biking as a form of every day transportation
  3. Encourage healthy eating by a) implementing a community garden and b) conducting outreach to city pool concession stand for healthy food options 
  4. Adopt a community theme to promote healthy lifestyle changes


  1. Co-host an annual event that supports healthy lifestyle changes
  2. Support existing and/or new local events
  3. Promote Live Healthy Iowa



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