
The Change 3 Challenge has four over-arching categories: General Wellbeing, Reduce Stress, Eat Mindfully, Connect and Increase Physical Activity.

General Wellbeing are those activities that will add value to our lives but does not fit into the specific categories  listed above OR they fit into more than one category.

For instance, laugh more, is a an activity that reaps the benefits of reducing stress and connecting you to co-workers, friends, families and sometimes even strangers. It elevates your mood and has the power to elevate the moods of others.

“Your sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools you have to make certain that your daily mood and emotional state support good health.” ~ Paul E. McGhee, Ph.D.

So you could say laughter is truly the best medicine!

Under this Change 3 Challenge tab you will find many resources, tips, information and guest posts! Keep checking back because new info will be posted over the next 3 months!


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