Plot Rental Application for Individuals/Families – Altoona Community Garden

Altoona Logo Small Cropped



Plots for rent are in two different sizes:

15 ft. x 6 ft for $35 for the season
6 ft. x 6 ft. for $10 for the season

Tilling is provided by the City of Altoona. An additional deeper till is the gardner’s responsibility although we may have a tiller available permanently or rented for one weekend this spring. Gardeners can use the provided tiller for their plots. If anyone cannot physically run a tiller then the Garden Tiller will try to lcoate someone to assist the gardener.

The garden contains two water spigots each holding two hoses. There is a tool storage shed on the property with a few large tools and a electric weed eater. There are also three compost bins. A picnic table and bench are available for relaxing and enjoying!

There are 4 large plots and 8 small plots given to Kids Club for planting & learning and designated for community giving. Individuals can adopt a community giving plot. See more information about sponsoring/adopting a plot here.

Special community events will be hosted by the garden at the garden and other venues. Schedule of events to be posted soon.

We also have work days and end-of-season clean up days. We ask that gardners participate in at least 4 work days and the end-of-season clean up is mandatory.

A garden team of four volunteers provides garden oversight and planning. As a community garden all gardeners are responsible for maintaining their plots and assisting with the garden area. We all work together as a “community”.


2 Responses to Plot Rental Application for Individuals/Families – Altoona Community Garden

  1. I have 7 or 8 large tomato cages, made out of heavy wire that were used the community garden we had at the church several years ago. I love to get rid of the if you want them, I will deliver.
    Larry O’Connor

    • That would be wonderful Larry. We could definitely use them. If you want to deliver them to the garden that would be great. I can meet you up there or just let me know after you have dropped them off and I can put them in the shed.

      Also is there particular produce that your food pantry participants like or you need more of? Thought I would ask before buying plants.

      Sent from my U.S. Cellular® Smartphone

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